Lost & Found
Each year we reunite many lost pets with their owners through our lost and found service. If you have lost or found a stray pet we encourage you to call us so we can check our registry for you. We record both lost pets and found pets so that pets can be reunited with their owners as soon as possible. We also encourage pet owners to Micro chip their pets. Here are a few things you can do if your pet is lost:
Search your neighbourhood
Walk or drive through your neighbourhood several times a day, especially early in the morning and at dusk. Ask neighbours and their children to keep a look out.
Contact the rangers at the council pound on 6642 5689 between 9am-10am Mon-Fri
We encourage you to regularly visit the pound as colours and breeds are open to personal interpretation and some can easily be confused.
Put up eye catching posters
Distribute flyers with a picture of your pet in as many public places you can think of: for example, grocery stores, churches, schools, pet stores, animal groomers, etc. Also consider letterbox dropping a smaller version to local households. Cats often seek shelter in backyard garden sheds and unknown to residents become trapped or locked in. So it is a good idea to ask owners to check locked sheds if your cat is missing.
Place an advert in the Newspaper
Place an ad in the lost and found column of local newspapers. Since many papers allow people to put “”found”” ads for free, check newspapers daily in case someone is trying to find you!
Check all veterinary clinics
If your pet was injured he or she may have been taken to a nearby veterinarian before being taken to an animal shelter.
Don’t give up!
Continue to search for your pet even when there is little hope. Some animals that have been lost for months have been reunited with their owners.
Have you found a lost pet?
What to do if you find a pet without an identification tag
Take the lost pet to a local veterinarian and ask them to scan for a microchip. If a microchip is found they will contact the NSW Registry who will provide them with the owner’s details so they can be contacted.
Notify the surrounding veterinarians as most practices will keep a log of lost and found pets.
Notify the local council
Place notices in and around the area where you found the lost pet
Advertise in the lost and found section of your local paper (this is a free service in most papers)
Often the best place for a lost pet to be is at the council pound, this is because it is one of the first places owners will look for a lost pet. If you keep the lost pet at home for a week or so, some owners may give up their search effort and will never be reunited with their lost pet.
“Continue to search for your pet even when there is little hope. Some animals that have been lost for months have been reunited with their owners.
Have you found a lost pet?
What to do if you find a pet without an identification tag
Take the lost pet to a local veterinarian and ask them to scan for a microchip. If a microchip is found they will contact the NSW Registry who will provide them with the owner’s details so they can be contacted.
Notify the surrounding veterinarians as most practices will keep a log of lost and found pets.
Notify the local council
Place notices in and around the area where you found the lost pet
Advertise in the lost and found section of your local paper (this is a free service in most papers)
Often the best place for a lost pet to be is at the council pound, this is because it is one of the first places owners will look for a lost pet. If you keep the lost pet at home for a week or so, some owners may give up their search effort and will never be reunited with their lost pet.”